Dominic the Donkey

Dominic the Donkey was written for “The Gambia Horse and Donkey Trust”.

Dominic has his genesis in another story called “Theo the Donkey”.

(Theo is currently being illustrated by my friend, Marlen.)

I sent a copy of Theo to Heather Armstrong at TGHADT.

Heather emailed to ask if I would do a re-write Theo for the kids who attend Stella’s School, a complementary charity which operates alongside TGHADT.

A separate story was provided by my Muse.

Most of the characters in Dominic are ‘real’.

And yes, like us, the Gambians have a water dragon myth, very like our Nessie.

Their water dragon is called Ninky-Nanka.

At the request of TGHADT, the illustrations were provided by the wonderfully talented and generous Nick Hinton, a man I have yet to meet.

Nick kindly donated his time and talents to make sure this tale could become accessible to the children in The Gambia.

(Nick has also illustrated “Korban the Krokka”, soon to be uploaded.)

Click to download PDF Click here to download the PDF.

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